Ways to improve your earnings with Adsense

2/25/2009 05:16:00 AM Posted by c3v3n

If you are a webmaster and is trying to monetize your websites, then the best way to go forward is by adding AdSense to it. Although adding AdSense alone cannot guarantee you huge earnings you will need to optimize it well to earn well. As many of the webmasters out there have been struggling to earn much from AdSense. But still there are some webmasters who earn a decent to huge amount through AdSense from their websites.

And if you think why some are so successful and while the others are not. It is because of the fact those who are successful have been experimenting with their AdSense to find the best set of ad unit and the best position to place their ads and have found the right way to display their ads.

There are some few tips which can be followed to get the maximum from your Adsense ads. If you could follow these tips, you too can earn a decent amount from it.

One important aspect of earning more from AdSense lies on the format you choose. The best performing ad format when it comes to AdSense is the Large Rectangle format (336 x 280). This ad format has the highest click through rate when compared to other formats. If you think on why this ad format is performing well, the answer lies in the fact that the ads displayed in this unit won’t be looking like an ad unit instead it will be like a regular web link and hence people will click them if they find something useful or has a tempting title.

The other important tip that should be followed diligently is to choose the right color combination for your ads. The thumb rule here is that the color of your ads should be blending with that of your website. And also you should remove the borders in your ad unit to make it look like being part of your web page. This way you surely will find a spike in click through rates for that particular ad format.

Instead of placing your ad units on the bottom of your page, try and place it on top or at the place where the users can see it without scrolling or moving. This is the best method followed by the pros to get maximum revenue from AdSense.

Try and experiment with all your ad units and formats and positions of your ads displayed in your website until you find the right combination which works well for your site. This is because not all the formats and units work for all the sites since each site has its own uniqueness and this has to be tapped well by experimenting with AdSense Ads.

Above all you should have a very decent content to let users get back to your site or blog regularly. Without good quality content no matter how your experiment or play with your ad units you will end up being unsuccessful. Hence good quality content plays a key role in getting maximum revenue from Adsense. As they say “Content is the King”!

So, with those tips you can surely boost your earning - time to motivate you, read my last article about adsense success.


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