How to Use AdSense Channels

2/24/2009 05:48:00 PM Posted by c3v3n

AdSense channels help you to fully understand how your site traffic is flowing and what methods are really working for your site’s revenue. Google uses its own free tracking feature by using channels. Take maximum advantage of this attribute. This feature shows you information about each of your channels, like ad impressions and what you are actually earning. This will essentially increase your profit for your various channels. There are two different types of channels that you can create using Google adsense. There are URL channels, and custom built channels.

URL channels allow you to track the clicks you receive across all of your sites pages. Creating a channel for all of your sites is highly recommended for your sites success. Custom channels allow you to track the performance of specifically chosen ad units. These are chosen based on specific criteria you come up with and design. You can create this by posting a channel-specific ad code into your various pages.

Custom channels help to track performance of various ad formats. When it comes to custom channels, it is all about being particular and being specific. This method of channel tracking tends to be a little bit more tricky and in depth. But Google adsense will make it easier for you by doing everything in a step by step format. Basically what you need to decide is which route you would like to go, if you are not very certain, or fairly new to this entire process it is recommended that you choose the URL method of adsense tracking.

Again keep in mind to stay away from that headache route. Keep in mind though, that there is never too much information to obtain, the more information that you receive and track, the more in tune you will be to what you need to work on and what needs to be accomplished to receive and pull in more profit. If you know what do to, and which channels you need to track, then you are set. And if you run into any trouble at all, Google adsense can help you along with any sort of questions or concerns that you might have. However, be prepared, contacting them is usually a pain in the a**. You will have to wait at least a weak for an answer…

I am using URL channels and custom channels for my sites. I use the URL channel to track the earnings for the whole site and custom channels to track changes of the ad zones. I suggest you to combine both for best result.


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